ย I love a great Pasta Salad! Pasta Salad is the perfect dish to make for either a Summer side dish or a meal. Jimmy loves this pasta salad too!...
This Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe is healthy, delicious and comforting! With the Instant Pot, this recipe comes together quickly for an easy weeknight meal. I think pearl couscous is fun...
Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 25-30 minutes This recipe is a fantastic addition to my collection of vegetarian pasta recipes! It is full of delicious garlic flavor and packed...
Spicy Asian Veggie Noodles Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes This is one of the best vegetarian recipes that will make you completely forget that there is no...
Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cook time: 1 hour This will definitely be one of your new favorite vegetarian pasta recipes! I had bought some eggplants thinking that I would make...
Prep time: about 10 minutes to chop veggies Time cook: about 15-20 minutes One of my favorite summer time dishes is caprese salad. It has been a while since summer...