This Truffle Burrata Shrimp Salad is amazing! This combines some of my favorite ingredients and flavors together in one dish โ truffle, burrata, shrimp, Calabrian chili and basil. I made...
This tomato basil shrimp makes a delicious dinner.ย I love dishes with tomato and fresh basil. I also love making shrimp recipes. Why not do a tomato basil shrimp recipe!...
This Chili Lime Shrimp recipe is zesty and delicious! It is a great low carb way to satisfy your Mexican cravings to enjoy as either an appetizer or an entire...
I love shrimp scampi. But sometimes you may not have any fresh herbs or garlic! This easy shrimp recipe uses usual scampi ingredients such as lemon, butter, and white wine,...
This Spanish Garlic Shrimp recipe is one of my favorite ways to make shrimp! It reminds me of having Spanish Tapas like at Amada (amazing tapas restaurant in Philadelphia). It...
This shrimp scampi recipe has the usual scampi ingredients such as garlic, lemon, and white wine. This is even more flavorful with all the fresh herbs. The rosemary especially makes...
ย This Low Carb Shrimp recipe is so delicious and fancy.ย It makes me feel like I am eating in a nice restaurant.ย The sauce is so creamy and elegant.ย ...