I love Minestrone Soup! This Minestrone Soup Recipe is delicious and is packed with a lot of veggies! To boost its health factor, it includes farro instead of pasta! Farro...
This Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe is healthy, delicious and comforting! With the Instant Pot, this recipe comes together quickly for an easy weeknight meal. I think pearl couscous is fun...
It’s cold season, so we all need an Immune System Boost Recipe to either kick that cold’s ass or prevent a cold from kicking your ass! During the holiday season,...
Arugula Salad with Lime Tahini Ginger Dressing Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cook time: N/A I have been challenging myself with making more plant-based meals and oil free Vegan Salad Dressing....
Print Thai Green Curry with Veggies and Roasted Sweet Potatoes This Healthy Green Curry Recipe goes out to my sister Becky! Me and Becky LOVE eating Thai food together! She...
Print Heartburn Relief Veggie Soup Course Main Course, Side Dish, Soup Cuisine American, Comfort food Keyword Heartburn Relief Recipe Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 1 hour Total Time 1...
Print Steamed Broccoli and Carrots Siracha Teriyaki Bowl Steamed Veggies are amazing and perfect to make for a quick healthy meal! Over the weekend, Jimmy made Steak Teriyaki with Wasabi...
Prep time: 5-10 minutes Cook time: 1 hour I just love making Roasted Vegetable Recipes in the beginning of the week! It is a healthy food prep idea to get...