This tomato basil shrimp makes a delicious dinner.ย I love dishes with tomato and fresh basil. I also love making shrimp recipes. Why not do a tomato basil shrimp recipe!...
This Spicy Whipped Feta Dip recipe is delicious and perfect to make ahead for a party. It is the perfect level of spiciness and refreshing with the fresh lemon. I...
I love shrimp scampi. But sometimes you may not have any fresh herbs or garlic! This easy shrimp recipe uses usual scampi ingredients such as lemon, butter, and white wine,...
This Spanish Garlic Shrimp recipe is one of my favorite ways to make shrimp! It reminds me of having Spanish Tapas like at Amada (amazing tapas restaurant in Philadelphia). It...
This shrimp scampi recipe has the usual scampi ingredients such as garlic, lemon, and white wine. This is even more flavorful with all the fresh herbs. The rosemary especially makes...
ย This Romanesco Recipe is so delicious! Romanesco is such a beautiful vegetable! It is kind of like a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. I never had a Romanesco until...
In my organic delivery box from Misfits Market, I received a lot of parsnips! Typically, when I make parsnips, I roast them along with other veggies. Parsnips are also delicious...
During a food prep Sunday, I made a bunch of Mediterranean tapas (salads, veggie dishes, dips/spreads, etc.). I also had some pita bread, so I wanted to make sure that...