Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: N/A (if quinoa is cooked and cooled ahead of time) Quinoa Salad Recipes are perfect for making during the summer. It is mid-summer in...
Prep time: 5-10 minutes Cook time: 1 hour I just love making Roasted Vegetable Recipes in the beginning of the week! It is a healthy food prep idea to get...
Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cook time: 40 minutes One pot meals are great for Meatless Mondays! You only need to use one pot and it makes a lot for lunches...
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 1 hour 10 minutes This is a great recipe for Meatless Monday! One pot recipes are perfect for Mondays (less dishes to clean, and...
Prep time: 10-15 minutes Cook time: 40 minutes This is a great recipe for Meatless Monday! It is one of my favorite comforting and detoxing vegetarian recipes – it is...