This Spicy Whipped Feta Dip recipe is delicious and perfect to make ahead for a party. It is the perfect level of spiciness and refreshing with the fresh lemon. I...
I love shrimp scampi. But sometimes you may not have any fresh herbs or garlic! This easy shrimp recipe uses usual scampi ingredients such as lemon, butter, and white wine,...
Corn salad is a perfect summer dish! Mexican street corn salad has become a popular dish. This corn salad is my Italian spin on it with incorporating Italian ingredients such...
This Spanish Garlic Shrimp recipe is one of my favorite ways to make shrimp! It reminds me of having Spanish Tapas like at Amada (amazing tapas restaurant in Philadelphia). It...
Recipes with steamed green beans are so easy and come together quickly! This one includes Korean flavors with adding Gochugaru Korean Chile Flakes, lime juice and cilantro. It is a...
This long hot pepper recipe is a delicious and spicy low carb appetizer. Long hot peppers are very long and spicy! This long hot pepper recipe only requires 4 ingredients...
Tahini Beet Salad Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 90 minutes Zahav is one of my top favorite restaurants in Philadelphia! In the beginning of dinner, they give you an...
Check out one of my favorite hummus recipes! Print Black Bean Hummus Who says snacking canโt be healthy? This Healthy Vegan Snack Recipe fulfills the need for snacking while keeping...