This Spicy Whipped Ricotta Dip is a fabulous and flavorful appetizer. This is the perfect accompaniment to an Italian themed dinner for an appetizer and is a great pairing to...
This Truffle Burrata Shrimp Salad is amazing! This combines some of my favorite ingredients and flavors together in one dish – truffle, burrata, shrimp, Calabrian chili and basil. I made...
This tomato basil shrimp makes a delicious dinner. I love dishes with tomato and fresh basil. I also love making shrimp recipes. Why not do a tomato basil shrimp recipe!...
This Italian Arugula Salad Recipe is simple, easy to make, and is a great pairing for an Italian main dish.Simple Salads are the best! This Arugula Salad recipe is different...
This shrimp scampi recipe has the usual scampi ingredients such as garlic, lemon, and white wine. This is even more flavorful with all the fresh herbs. The rosemary especially makes...
This Low Carb Shrimp recipe is so delicious and fancy. It makes me feel like I am eating in a nice restaurant. The sauce is so creamy and elegant. ...
I love Minestrone Soup! This Minestrone Soup Recipe is delicious and is packed with a lot of veggies! To boost its health factor, it includes farro instead of pasta! Farro...
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: N/A This Hummus Recipe is an Italian twist on the classic Hummus Recipe! This Hummus Recipe tastes great with Fresh Italian Bread (mine was...