This Baja Sauce Recipe is so flavorful and the perfect pairing to many dishes such as tacos, burritos and nachos. This would also be great as a veggie dip and...
Homemade salsa is the best! It tastes way better than the kind you can get in a jar. This Homemade Salsa Recipe is healthy and delicious! It also happens to...
This Spicy Whipped Ricotta Dip is a fabulous and flavorful appetizer. This is the perfect accompaniment to an Italian themed dinner for an appetizer and is a great pairing to...
This Chili Cheese Spread recipe is delicious and perfect to make ahead for a party. I just love cheese spreads! Cheese spreads are fun to eat, fun to bring to...
This Hot Pepper Cheese Spread recipe is delicious and perfect to make ahead for a party. It has the right level of spiciness and is refreshing with fresh lemon and...
This Jalapeno Popper Dip recipe is delicious and perfect to make ahead for a party. I love the flavors in jalapeno poppers โ so thought it would be a great...
Corn salad is a perfect summer dish! Mexican street corn salad has become a popular dish. This corn salad is my Italian spin on it with incorporating Italian ingredients such...
This Spanish Garlic Shrimp recipe is one of my favorite ways to make shrimp! It reminds me of having Spanish Tapas like at Amada (amazing tapas restaurant in Philadelphia). It...